Los comentarios de nuestros queridos clientes que sabían con certeza que querían que sus hijos nacieran a pesar de las crisis financieras y políticas, las epidemias y los cierres, las dificultades y se dirigieron hacia sus sueños cada uno a su manera. Hay algunos que obtuvieron el resultado deseado desde la primera vez, hay los que habian logrado su felicidad desde hace años, ¡pero lo principal es que todos han logrado su éxito tan esperado junto con nuestro equipo SUCCESS! 

Because of your Success team, we were able to fulfil a wish to have a family. From the time that we first came in contact with your coordinator, we were sure that we wanted to do surrogacy program with you. Viktoriya took her time with us and and explained all of the the steps that we would need to take and gave us a feeling of trust towards your team.

Fortunately happiness and luck were on our side! Our surrogate mother Angela became pregnant. Angela lived with us after 26 weeks of pregnancy and we took care of her. Our lives were only focused on becoming a family.

Your staff and doctors, at least in Cyprus, are excellent. They also stay in touch with the IPs and make sure that things are okay. It meant a lot to us.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making it possible to have Cynthia beautiful bouncing baby as a part of our lives.

Karen, Netherlands

Наш сыночек, будущая звезда футбола, с нетерпение ждет сестричку и мы вместе с ним с трепетом в душе. спасибо Вам за все.

Семья Кочерниковых (г. Смоленск)

Дорогой Success, наш Виталик уже школьник. Большой привет с благодарностью из Крыма. Спасибо за все!

Алексей и Оксана (г. Севастополь)

Дорогая Виктория, спасибо Вам за нашего малыша, Русланчика.
Наталья и Сергей (г.Москва)